集團簡介 About The Group
亞洲國際餐飲集團由柯鎮平先生於2007年成立, 致力在香港拓展餐飲業務,
Taste of Asia Group was founded by Mr. Ping Orr in 2007,
with a mission to expand food and beverage business in Hong Kong.
Starting from its first outlet at Ming Tak Shopping Centre in Tseung Kwan O,
it has since developed into a diversified food and beverage dining group.
From The Founder,
Mr. Ping Orr
“堅持、用心” 是柯先生其中的一句經常掛在口邊的說話,經常教導員工無論是食物質素、對顧客之關心,必須以客為先,務求達到『生意不成仁義在、來者是客禮相待』。“老香港。新概念”, 客人在一個舒適環境下享受一頓美味食物, 以舒適為餐廳環境設計大前提下, 地道的香港文化,配合年輕化、西式的優雅裝修,與舊式購物商場一同改變潮流。
"Perseverance and dedication" are the phrases that Mr. Ping Orr frequently uses to inspire the company team members. He emphasizes that the quality of food and customer service must be the key to a successful business. The spirit of "Old Hong Kong, New Concept" allows customers to enjoy scrumptious food in a relaxed environment. The design of restaurant prioritizes comfort, combining the historical Hong Kong culture with youthful and Western elegance, setting trends alongside traditional shopping centers.

集團業務 Our Business
Founded in Canada, Taste of Asia Group opened its first Café 100% in Hong Kong back in 2007. Over the years, the group has established multiple brand concepts under the same group, and now operates over 269 locations around the city. The group will continue to embody a spirit of indomitability and adaptability in the future.
Café 100%
品牌概念 Brand Concept
『百份百餐廳』作為亞洲國際餐飲集團屬下旗艦品牌, 現有45間分店。創辦人柯鎮平先生擁有豐富的餐飲經驗, 具國際視野, 分店遍佈香港及加拿大。 於2007年在香港創立『百份百餐廳』, 『百份百』中的『份』字, 特意加上『人』字, 更顯出『以人為本』的經營概念, 無論是對客人、合作伙伴、或是員工, 都以此為出發。 百份百餐廳憑著年輕的品牌形象、時尚布置設計、優質食材和親民的定位,成為深受食客歡迎的新一代港式餐廳,每日提供各式新鮮美食。餐廳烹調配方不斷推陳出新,為菜式注入新口味,產品款式繁多,既有恆常港式食品,更有節日期間限定菜式,緊貼市民生活。 百份百餐廳每日提供不同的新鮮美食, 以大眾化的價錢, 令每個人都能夠享受百份百的早餐、午早餐、茶餐、晚餐!百份百餐廳選用上等茶葉沖泡奶茶,茶香、奶滑及咖啡香濃,當然不少得獨門撚手小菜。百份百餐廳便做到平民價錢,驚喜處處的享受。咖喱牛腩飯是港人不可缺少的食品,簡簡單單一碟,已令人吃得愜意和飽足,百份百的咖喱牛坑腩,咖喱汁辣度十足,加上以洋葱和甘筍等蔬菜燜煮,辣中帶甜。主角牛坑腩肥瘦適中,肉和筋有嚼頭卻不韌,更兩度榮獲飲食大王「咖喱牛腩天王」獎項可謂實至名歸!
With outlets located in both Hong Kong and Canada. Café 100% currently has over 45 outlets in Hong Kong. As the very first brand concept of the group,
Mr. Ping Orr brings in an extensive experience and international perspective to the business. Established in Hong Kong in 2007, the brand name of Café 100% reflects a people-oriented business philosophy. With a lively brand image, stylish décor, top-quality ingredients, and a friendly approach, Café 100% has become a popular Hong Kong style restaurant. In the dynamic and ever-competitive restaurant industry, innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Café 100% has been constantly seeking ways to captivate diners' palates and differentiate themselves from the crowd by offering a variety of Hong Kong style cuisines and seasonal specialties with gastronomic creativity.
Café 100% offers a variety of classic Hong Kong dishes at reasonable prices, making the savory flavors are accessible for everyone. Our iconic Hong Kong style milk tea is made by premium tea leaves with warm milk, to provide a strong coffee flavor with rich aroma, creamy texture, to be pairing with our signature food dishes. Taking our Curry Beef Brisket dish for an example, it is a staple food of Hong Kong, stands out with its rich and spicy curry sauce with perfectly balanced beef brisket that is garnished with onions and carrots. It is a harmonious blend of spicy and sweet that will leave a lasting impression on the customers. Not to mention that our Curry Beef Brisket dish has also won one of the most representable awards not once but twice, it is indeed a testament to our dedication to culinary excellence.
成功獲得各界的支持,分店數目與日俱增,以大眾化價錢提供高質素美食 ; 不斷創新菜式及自家秘製醬料, 以獨特烹調方法, 有別於其他連鎖集團, 堅持¨現炒現造¨, 持續為食客帶來新鮮感, 吸納不同年齡階層的食客, 更感物超所值。 時尚簡約的室內設計佈局及燈光運用, 擺脫舊式餐廳局促沉悶環境, 在競爭激烈的餐飲行業中力求突破。 祟尚節約、貫徹環保概念, 全線用上了節能的LED燈飾, 如外在環境許可, 更用上全電器化廚房, 減低廚房溫度, 減小使用冷氣, 從而達到節能的效果, 為環保出一分力。 按不同地區及客源, 擬定相應營運策略, 不斷推陳出新, 以創意菜式吸納食客, 做到 ¨以民為本, 以客為先¨ 之目標。 服務對象以學生, 年青人及年輕家庭為主。